Glass Animals - Heat Waves (Lyrics) __FULL__
Heat Waves is about someone who is reminiscing about an ex. For example, the first few lines of the song indicate that the person is looking back at a reflection of his own experience: "Road shimmer/Wiggling the vision/Heat heat waves/I'm swimming in a mirror." More importantly, the individual describes heat waves as a reflection or reminder of a relationship he had during the "late nights in June." And this acceptance that his or ex is gone is difficult for him: "I don't wanna be alone/You know it hurts me too." However, he explains that seeing his ex "broken" and "cry[ing]" (when she is around him) hurts him even more. So as summer rolls along and the heat waves shimmer in, he remembers a past relationship where he left a loved one in order to keep her smile.
Glass Animals - Heat Waves (Lyrics)
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this song is about someone in a relationship that is not the real them and unable to be themselves. the real them would not be able to make their partner happy, but they are unable to admit defeat and fail at the relationship even though it is inevitable. The 'heat waves' described are the happiness and fairy tale, Hollywood romance the singer wrongly thinks they have with their partner. 041b061a72